



    AcronymOriginal nameEnglish nameCountry
    BFS Bundesamt für Statistik Federal Office for Statistics Switzerland
    CBS Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Central Statistical Office Netherlands
    CZSOČeský statistický úřadCzech Statistical OfficeCzech Republic
    Destatis Statistisches Bundesamt Federal Statistical Office of Germany Germany
    DZSDržavni Zavod Za StatistikuCroatian Bureau of StatisticsCroatia
    GUS Główny Urząd Statystyczny Statistics Poland Poland
    INSEEInstitut national de la statistique et des études économiquesNational Institute of Statistics and Economic StudiesFrance
    INSInstitutul Național de StatisticăRomanian National Institute of Statistics Romania
    ISTATIstituto nazionale di statisticaItalian National Institute of StatisticsItaly
    KSH/HCSOKözponti Statisztikai Hivatal Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungary
    LSLietuvos Statistikos Departamentas Statistics Lithuania Lithuania
    PɜCРепублички завод за статистику СрбијеStatistical Office of the Republic of SerbiaSerbia
    StatbelOffice Belge de StatistiqueStatistics Belgium Belgium
    Statistik Austria Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich Austrian Federal Institute of StatisticsAustria
    SlovstatŠtatistický Úrad Slovenskej RepublikyStatistical Office of the Slovak RepublicSlovak Republic




    Original nameEnglish nameCountry
    ABN-AMRO BankABN-AMRO BankThe Netherlands
    Administraţia Canalelor Navigabile (ACN)Administration of the Navigable Canals (ACN)Romania
    Administration de l'enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVARegistration Duties, Estates and VAT AuthorityLuxembourg
    Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité socialeCentral Agency for Social Security BodiesFrance
    Agencija za upravljanje lukamaPort Governance Agency of SerbiaSerbia
    AQUAPOLAQUAPOLThe Netherlands
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft EnergiebilanzenWorking Group on Energy BalancesGermany
    Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS)Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS)Austria
    Association française des ports intérieurs (AFPI)French association of inland ports (AFPI)France
    Avenergy SuisseAvenergy SuisseSwitzerland
    Az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium Hajózási Hatósági FőosztályaDepartment for Shipping Authority at the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and TechnologyHungary
    Banque CIC agricultureCIC Bank agricultureFrance
    Berenberg BankBerenberg BankGermany
    Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Főosztályának Hajózási HatóságaShipping Authority of the Department of Transport of the Governmental Office of the Capital City BudapestHungary
    Bundesagentur für ArbeitGerman Federal Employment Agency Germany
    Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG) German Federal Office for Hydrology Germany
    Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)Federal institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)Germany
    Bundesministerium für Arbeit und SozialesFederal Ministry of Labour and Social AffairsGermany
    Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale InfrastrukturFederal Ministry of Transport and Digital InfrastructureGermany
    Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschifffahrt (BDB)Federal Association of German Inland NavigationGermany
    Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen (CBR)Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing (CBR)The Netherlands
    Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart (CBRB) Central Bureau for Inland Barging The Netherlands
    Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (CCSS)Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)Luxembourg
    Container operators on the RhineContainer operators on the RhineEurope
    Contargo AGContargo AGGermany
    Conto Nazionale delle Infrastrutture et Trasporto Italian Ministry of Transport Italy
    Corporation Inland Tanker Barge Owners (CITBO)Corporation Inland Tanker Barge Owners (CITBO)Belgium/The Netherlands
    Danser FranceDanser FranceFrance
    Danube CommissionDanube CommissionEurope
    Département de la logistique et de la navigation intérieure/ Abteilung für Logistik und BinnenschifffahrtDepartment of Logistics and Inland navigation Luxembourg
    Deutscher Industrie- und HandelskammertagAssociation of German Chambers of Commerce and IndustryGermany
    Deutscher Reiseverband German Travel Association Germany
    De Vlaamse Waterweg The Flemish WaterwaysBelgium
    DIONYSUS projectDIONYSUS projectEurope
    Direction de l'Animation de la recherche, des Études et des Statistiques (DARES)Directorate for Research, Studies and StatisticsFrance
    Direction générale opérationnelle de la Mobilité et des Voies hydrauliquesOperational Directorate General for Mobility and WaterwaysBelgium
    Education in Inland Navigation (EDINNA)Education in Inland Navigation (EDINNA)Europe
    Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung (ESTV)Federal Tax Administration (FTA)Switzerland
    EMMA projectEMMA project Europe
    Entreprises Fluviales de France (E2F)French River CompaniesFrance
    European Barge Inspection Scheme (EBIS) European Barge Inspection Scheme (EBIS) Europe
    European Barge Union (EBU)European Barge Union (EBU)Europe
    European Central BankEuropean Central Bank EU
    European Commission European Commission EU
    European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)EU
    European Steel Association (Eurofer)European Steel Association (Eurofer)Europe
    European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)Europe
    EUROSTAT structural business statistics (SBS)EUROSTAT structural business statistics (SBS)EU
    FAIRway projectFAIRway projectEU
    Federal Reserve Economic DataFederal Reserve Economic DataUSA
    France AgriMerFrance AgriMerFrance
    Fraunhofer-Center für Maritime Logistik und DienstleistungenFraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and ServicesGermany
    Generaldirektion Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt Directorate-General for Waterways and Shipping Germany
    Haeger & Schmidt LogisticsHaeger & Schmidt LogisticsGermany
    Hamburgisches WeltWirtschafts Institut (HWWI)Hamburg Institute of International EconomicsGermany
    IG RiverCruise IG RiverCruise Europe
    ING BankING BankThe Netherlands
    Inland Navigation Schools and Training Centres mentioned in the reportInland Navigation Schools and Training Centres mentioned in the reportEurope
    Innovációs és Technológiai MinisztériumHungarian Ministry for Innovation and TechnologyHungary
    Insights GlobalInsights GlobalThe Netherlands
    Inspection générale de la sécurité socialeGeneral Inspectorate of Social SecurityLuxembourg
    Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (ISL)Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL)Germany
    Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants (INASTI)/ (Rijksinstituut voor de Sociale Verzekeringen der Zelfstandigen (RSVZ) National Social Insurance Institute for the SelfEmployed (NISSE)Belgium
    Institut pour le transport pour la batellerie/ Instituut voor het Transport langs de Binnenwateren (ITB) Institute for transport by skippers Belgium
    International Energy AgencyInternational Energy AgencyWorld
    International Maritime Organization (IMO)International Maritime Organization (IMO)World
    International Monetary Fund (IMF)International Monetary Fund (IMF)World
    International Sava River Basin CommissionInternational Sava River Basin CommissionEurope
    Internationale Vereniging voor de behartiging van de gemeenschappelijke belangen van de binnenvaart en de verzekering en voor het houden van het register van binnenschepen in Europa (IVR)International Association for the representation of the mutual interests of the inland shipping and the insurance and for keeping the register of inland vessels in Europe (IVR)The Netherlands
    IW-NET projectIW-NET projectEurope
    Kerncijfers Amsterdam City of Amsterdam The Netherlands
    Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel Institute for the World Economy Germany
    Koninklijk besluit betreffende binnenschepen die ook voor niet-internationale zeereizen worden gebruikt/ Arrêté royal relatif aux bateaux de navigation intérieure qui sont aussi utilisés pour effectuer des voyages non internationaux par merRoyal Decree concerning inland waterway vessels
    also used for non-international sea voyages
    Land NiederösterreichFederal State of Lower AustriaAustria
    Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto (Traficom)Finnish Transport and Communication Agency (Traficom)Finland
    McKinsey Global InstituteMcKinsey Global InstituteWorld
    Mineralöl Wirtschaftsverband e.V. German Association of the Mineral Oil IndustryGermany
    Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des TerritoiresMinistry for Ecological TransitionFrance
    Ministerie van Financiën Dutch Finance MinistryThe Netherlands
    Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republikySlovak Ministry of TransportSlovakia
    Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Moselle CommissionMoselle CommissionEurope
    National fleet dataNational fleet dataEurope
    National fleet register of LuxembourgNational fleet register of LuxembourgLuxembourg
    Nemzeti Munkatigyi HivatalHungarian National Employment ServiceHungary
    NPRCNPRCThe Netherlands
    Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OENB)Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OENB)Austria
    Office fédéral des transport (OFT)/Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV)Switzerland Federal Office of Transport Switzerland
    Office national de Sécurité sociale (ONSS) / Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid (RSZ)National Social Security Office (NSSO)Belgium
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)World
    Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság General Directorate of Water Management Hungary
    Österreichisches Institut für RaumplanungAustrian Institute for Regional StudiesAustria
    Ostfriesische VolksbankOstfriesische VolksbankGermany
    Oxford Economics Oxford Economics World
    PanteiaPanteiaThe Netherlands
    PJK International PJK InternationalThe Netherlands
    Ports mentioned in the report Ports mentioned in the report Europe
    R.A. Administratia Fluviala a Dunarii de Jos Galaţi (AFDJ)Galaţi Lower Danube River Administration, A.A.Romania
    RabobankRabobankThe Netherlands
    Rijkswaterstaat Ministry of Infrastructure and Water ManagementThe Netherlands
    Royal HaskoningDHVRoyal HaskoningDHVThe Netherlands
    Schweizerische Vereinigung für Schifffahrt und HafenwirtschaftSwiss Association for Shipping and PortsSwitzerland
    Service de la statistique et de la prospective (SSP) du Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaireStatistics and Forecasting Department (SSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture and FoodFrance
    Service Public Fédéral Mobilité et Transport / Federale Overheidsdienst Mobiliteit en VervoerBelgian Ministry of TransportBelgium
    SPF EconomieFederal Public Service EconomyBelgium
    SPW Service Public de WalloniePublic Service of WalloniaBelgium
    Statistikamt NordStatistical Office of Hamburg and Schleswig-HolsteinGermany
    Structural business statistics (SBS)Structural business statistics (SBS)Europe
    Swiss Rhine portsSwiss Rhine portsSwitzerland
    Topsector LogisticsTopsector LogisticsThe Netherlands
    UK Department for TransportUK Department for TransportUK
    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)World
    US Energy Information AdministrationUS Energy Information AdministrationUSA
    Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI)Association of the German Chemical Industry (VCI)Germany
    Verein der Kohlenimporteure (VDKI)German Association of Coal importers (VDKI)Germany
    Voies Navigables de France (VNF)Navigable Waterways of France (VNF)France
    Wasserstraßen-und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (WSV)Federal Waterways and Shipping AdministrationGermany
    Wirtschaftsvereinigung StahlGerman Steel FederationGermany
    World Steel AssociationWorld Steel AssociationWorld
    ZBBDGerman vessel databaseGermany
    Российская Палата СудоходстваRussian Chamber of ShippingRussia
    Изпълнителна агенция "МОРСКА АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ"Bulgarian Maritime AdministrationBulgaria
    Българска национална агенция по заетосттаBulgarian National Employment AgencyBulgaria




    Original NameCountry
    “2022 Country Report – Luxembourg”, European Commission, Brussels, 23 May 2022Europe
    Aachener Zeitung, « Flotte der KD Rheinschiffahrt unter Luxemburger Flagge », 2008Germany
    « Accompagner les entreprises, une priorité absolue », NPI, September 2020France
    Ademmer, M.; Jannsen, N.; Kooths, S.; Mösle, S. (2019). Niedrigwasser bremst Produktion in: Wirtschaftsdienst 99 (1), 79-80Germany
    A. Hader, The River Cruise Fleet Handbook (2018-2024)Europe
    2018 Annual report Port of ZeebruggeBelgium
    Annual report 2019, Port of Rotterdam: Key players develop emission-free navigation solution for barges | Port of RotterdamThe Netherlands
    “As China Moves In, Serbia Reaps Benefits, With Strings Attached” published on 9 September, 2017, The New York TimesUSA
    Binnenschifffahrt online

    BLN SchuttevaerThe Netherlands
    Bundesverband deutsche Binnenschifffahrt (2020), Pläne zum Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung belasten Schifffahrt und Häfen (press release 24 January 2020)Germany
    CCNR/European Commission (2020), Inland Navigation in Europe, Annual market observation reportEurope
    CCNR / EC, Market Report 2014-2019 (2021), Main features and trends of the European Inland Waterway Transport sector:

    CCNR, Inland Navigation in Europe - market observation reports 2018-2020Europe
    CCNR roadmap for reducing emissions from inland navigation. Available at:
    CCNR weekly newsletter – N°3, Rhine navigation in the context of Covid-19 (15.04.2020). Available at :
    CEFIC Chemicals Trends Report. Available at:
    CEFIC, 2023, Chemical Monthly Report: (last consulted 12.04.2023)Belgium
    CEFIC, Economic Outlook 2021 for the European chemical industry:
    Central Bank of Ireland:

    Commission Opinion issued at the request of Germany pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 6(4) of Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora: deepening the Danube waterway between Straubing and Vilshofen; section Straubing-Deggendorf (Germany/Bavaria)EU
    Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (2022), An action plan for EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes to facilitate Ukraine’s agricultural export and bilateral trade with the EU (12.05.2022)EU
    Connect, Annual magazine of the port of Zeebrugge, 2019Belgium
    Danube Commission market observation reportsEurope
    Danube Region Strategy: National Action Plans. Available at: (last consulted: 02.06.2022)Europe
    Deloitte, 2024 US chemical industry outlook (last consulted on 10.04.2024). Available at:
    Deloitte, 2023 US chemical industry outlook (last consulted 12.04.2023): Kingdom
    Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace (DNA), article « Le port de Strasbourg pénalisé par les basses eaux du Rhin » (16 janvier 2019)France
    Deutsche Verkehrszeitung (DVZ), „Welthandel kommt kaum vom Fleck“, 18 October 2023Germany
    Deutsche Welle (2022), Europäische Union - Keine Kohle mehr aus Russland für die EU, (last consulted 30.03.2023)Germany
    Die Binnenschifffahrt, EU-Kommission macht Weg zum Donauausbau frei, 29 November 2019Germany
    Directive (EU) 2016/1629 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2016 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels, amending Directive 2009/100/EC and repealing Directive 2006/87/ECEurope
    Dorffmeister, Ludwig (2019b), Zu den Kapazitätsengpässen in der Bauwirtschaft, in: ifo Schnelldienst, S. 50-54Germany
    Dorffmeister, Ludwig (2019a), Europäische Bauwirtschaft bleibt bis 2021 auf Expansionskurs, in: ifo Schnelldienst 2/2019, S. 47-54Germany
    Dorffmeister, Ludwig (2018), Europäischer Bausektor: Aufschwung verliert bis 2020 spürbar an Kraft, in: ifo Schnelldienst 13/2018, S. 61-68.Germany
    Dutch Finance Ministry. Infrastructure fund. Available at: (last consulted 04.05.2023)The Netherlands
    Effect of low water on loading capacity of inland ships, Van Dorsser, C. et al., European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, v. 20, n. 3, p. 47-70, September 2020. ISSN 1567-7141. Available at: The Netherlands
    EIA, Short-term energy outlook, February 2021, Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
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    Entreprises fluviales de France – E2F, Baromètre de l’activité tourisme fluvial, édition 2022-2024France
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    Eurofer, Economic and steel market outlook 2022-2023, second quarter. Available at: (last consulted: 25.05.2022)Europe
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    European Commission, European Semester Country Report Czech Republic 2022 (last consulted 21.07.2022)Europe
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    European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA), 21/03/2019,

    European Economic Forecast of the European Commission, Autumn 2019EU
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    FranceAgriMer (2023, 2024), Note de conjonctures mensuelle sur les filières grandes cultures, March 2023 and April 2024France
    FranceAgriMer (2023), Conjonctures céréales, No. 85/Mars 2023France
    Gevolgen grote transities en wereldhandel voor de binnenvaart 2020-2040, Topsector Logistics / RoyalHaskoningDHV (2019)The Netherlands and United Kingdom
    Global Times (2021), Steel Plant: Source of Happiness for a City – a Model Project of the Belt and Road Initiative; published on 6 September 2021. Available at: Last consulted on 8 September 2021.China
    IG River Cruise position paper on the situation of the Western European river cruise business environment, October 2019Switzerland
    IG RiverCruise, Der Fluss-Kreuzfahrtmarkt (2019-2023)Germany
    IMF World Economic Outlook, 2020-2024, verfügbar unter:
    Inland navigation in Europe, Market observation, 2023 annual reportEurope
    Interview with Economics Prof. Dr. Bernd Rürup, Handelsblatt, 13th August 2020Germany
    Investico (2018), Rijncruise drijft op arbeidsuitbuiting, Netherlands
    IWD (2020), IW-Konjunkturprognose: Wirtschaft erholt sich langsam. Available at: (last consulted: 25. 05. 2022)Germany
    Kehler Hafenbericht 2018 Germany
    Koninklijk besluit betreffende binnenschepen die ook voor niet-internationale zeereizen worden gebruikt/ / Arrêté royal relatif aux bateaux de navigation intérieure qui sont aussi utilisés pour effectuer des voyages non internationaux par merBelgium
    Lebensader Donau, Offizieller Spatenstich zum Donauausbau. Available at: (last consulted: 28.03.2022)Germany
    Legifrance, Décret n° 59-951 du 31 juillet 1959 portant fixation des limites des affaires maritimes dans les estuaires, fleuves, rivières et canaux fréquentés par les bâtiments de merFrance
    Le Journal de la Marine Marchande, 27 April 2022, Ukraine : 80 000 t de céréales ont pu être expédiées. Available at: (last consulted: 28.04.2022)Germany
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    Mid-term forecast for Germany in spring 2020, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, March 2020 Germany
    Ministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (2019), Gleitende Mittelfristprognose für den Güter- und Personenverkehr, Februar 2019Germany
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    Panteia, Kostenontwikkeling binnenvaart 2020 en raming 2021, January 2021The Netherlands
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    Register of ships with class of the Shipping Register of UkraineUkraine
    Review of Maritime Transport 2019, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 2019World
    River and Sea transports in Romania in the EU strategy for the Danube region perspective, Radu SAGEATA (2011)Romania
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    Schifffahrt, Hafen, Bahn und Technik (8/2019), Logistik folgt auf KohleGermany
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